What an awesome weekend at the Barbershop Harmony Australia Eastern Region competition! We caught up with our dear friends from the region, made new friends, and enjoyed the wonderfully entertaining performances and supportive atmosphere. ![]() Thanks to Jim Catt for chorus and director coaching in the run up, and also to our fabulous judging panel for the opportunity to be coached 'under glass' on the Sunday. |
Ever wanted to try a cappella close-harmony singing? We're holding an open rehearsal where we'll teach you to sing a short 'tag' in four parts and you'll be able to check out the sorts of things we do. Drop us a note at info@canberraharmony.org.au. :) |
We had 11 Christmas gigs this year plus a spot on ABC Radio 666 - mostly paid ones (which will support our other activities through 2024) but also a few delightful community sings. Our singers couldn't make it to every one of them of course, but we fielded a good strong sound each time. Can't wait to do it again!! |
We had a wonderful time at the PanPacs in New Zealand - our first international competition! Our director Kat had her first go at waving her hands at national contest, and we had many members who had never sung on such a big and scary stage! The best part was all the new friendships we made with other barbershop fanatics. 💖 |
We had a wonderful time at the BHA Eastern Region competion held at Hills Grammar School, Kenthurst! We came first place women's chorus (out of a field of 1) with a respectable score of 71.2, and our members were in three competing quartets: Quantum Leap (2nd place mixed senior), Spare Keys (1st place women), and Perfectly Normal (2nd place women). We had some really effective coaching from the judges, and enjoyed spending time with the other choruses in our region. Our next competition will be Pan Pac in Auckland this September. |
We had a great time with other members of Barbershop Harmony Australia's Eastern Region at Catalina Convention Centre, Rathmines, Highlights included individual and group coaching in vocal skills, short classes in all manner of topics (including vocal, presentation, and arranging skills), and an awesome concert showcasing our choruses and quartets. Looking forward to seeing you all again at the Eastern Region competition in May! |
We were thrilled to be invited back as a supporting act to the Canberra Symphony Orchestra in this year's Music By The River! This year's theme was music by Elton John, so we sang one of our favourites - Can you feel the love tonight, from Lion King - and then stayed on to picnic with our friends and enjoy the rest of the show. 😊 |
We will be singing Christmas carols in Santa's Grotto at Westfield Belconnen every Friday in December, 6:30PM - 7PM. You can also catch us at Bungendore Christmas Party on 3 December and Queanbeyan Carols in the Park 15 December. |
Canberra Harmony Chorus is performing at the Queanbeyan Palerang Council's 'Music by the River'. We are performing at 6pm. Featured attraction is Canberra Symphony Orchestra.. Details are here Music by the River featuring Canberra Symphony Orchestra - Queanbeyan-Palerang (nsw.gov.au) |
We are very proud to announce that our chorus recently won the Queanbeyan Palerang Region Council (QPRC) Caroloke competition. The chorus entered the song 'Away in a Manger'. The director of CHC Pam Foley, and lead Susan Hall and baritone Melany Laycock spo,ke with ABC Radio Canberra about the win. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/canberra/programs/breakfast/qprc-caroloke-winners-canberra-harmony-chorus/13686190 |